Table of Contents:

1)  There are plenty of reasons to think the recent strong upside momentum will continue early in 2024.

2)  However, a longer-term rally is dependent on SO many things that rarely (if ever) take place.

3)  The major averages ALL stand at critical levels on the technical side of the ledger.

4)  China is very likely going to create strong headwinds for global growth in 2024.

5)  When it comes to bond yields, be careful what you wish for. 

6)  Let’s look at the charts on several different sector ETFs.

7)  The dollar is getting quite ripe for a bounce over at least the near-term.

8)  The outlook for gold is extremely bright.

9)  The situation in the Middle East is much more dangerous than the markets are pricing-in today.

10)  Summary of our current stance.


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