Table of Contents:

1)  Even if the Fed cuts rates soon, they’re going to stay “higher for longer”…because “higher” is their natural level.

2)  As rates stabilize at higher levels AND liquidity becomes less plentiful, multiples will come down.

3)  Maybe the economy can play catch-up with the markets.  It is certainly holding up very well.

4)  The chip stocks NEED to bounce immediately, or it will be quite negative on a technical basis.

5)  Updating the charts on the indices….The Russell 2000 NEEDS to bounce immediately as well.

6)  The Treasury market is also at a critical level, but its very close to a breakout in yields.

7)  Crude oil and the energy stocks are getting ripe for a short-term pullback.

8)  You have to go back more than five years to compare valuation levels.

9)  Pot-Pourri…..AAPL & NVDA need to bounce very soon.

10)  Summary of our current stance.

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