• How can both the Yankees and the Mets be in last place?  (Given what the Red Sox are doing, we shouldn’t be dancing on anybody’s grave, but it’s amazing that these two teams are in last place given the names on their rosters and the money they’ve spent.)…….Either way, college football gets going in full force this weekend, so life will be good again very soon!
  • While we’re watching the tech stocks, the bank stocks, the S&P 500, the NDX 100, the bond market, the currency market, developments out of China, etc….we’ll also be keeping a very close eye on the Russell 2000.  It could/should tell us a lot about the strength in the U.S. economy going forward.
  • The “I’ve got a dream” speech was delivered 60 years ago yesterday by Martin Luther King Jr in Washington DC.  If you have never seen the full speech…or haven’t seen it for a long time…do yourself a favor and go back and watch it.  It might just be the greatest speech in human history.
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